
Jetpack Compose - The Future of Android Development

In this post, Mukesh Solanki Explains why Jetpack compose is the future of android development.

Applying SOLID Principles in Android Development

In this post, Mukesh Solanki explains how SOLID principles can be applied in Android development.

Building a CI/CD pipeline for Android apps using GitHub actions.

In this post Mukesh Solanki will be talking about how to build a CI/CD pipeline for Android apps using GitHub actions.

Why I ended my 10 year old relationship with GSON?

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward.

Animated Splash Screen in Android with Compose.

In this post Mukesh Solanki will show you how to create an animated splash screen in Android with Jetpack Compose.

Classic Snake Game with Jetpack Compose.

In this post Mukesh Solanki shows how to build a classic snake game with Jetpack Compose.

7 things to keep in mind while building jetpack composable’s.

In this post Mukesh Solanki talks about the 7 things to keep in mind while building UI's with jetpack compose

My Setup for Android Development

In this post Mukesh Solanki talks about his setup for Android Development and how it boots his productivity.

Gracefully handling Android app crashes

In this post Mukesh Solanki talks about how to listen for crashes in your Android app globally and how to handle them gracefully.

How to prevent hackers from reverse engineering your Android apps

In this article Mukesh Solanki talks about the precautionary measures to take while building an Android app to prevent hackers from easily breaking your app or reverse engineering it.

How to prevent hackers from reverse engineering your Android apps

In this article Mukesh Solanki talks about the precautionary measures to take while building an Android app to prevent hackers from easily breaking your app or reverse engineering it.

What to choose Realm or SQLite with Room?

In this article Mukesh Solanki talks about how to make the decision about picking the right database for your app.