
Writes about software development, automation, android.

My Setup for Android Development

In this post Mukesh Solanki talks about his setup for Android Development and how it boots his productivity.

Mukesh Solanki
Mukesh Solanki

Gracefully handling Android app crashes

In this post Mukesh Solanki talks about how to listen for crashes in your Android app globally and how to handle them gracefully.

Mukesh Solanki
Mukesh Solanki

How to prevent hackers from reverse engineering your Android apps

In this article Mukesh Solanki talks about the precautionary measures to take while building an Android app to prevent hackers from easily breaking your app or reverse engineering it.

Mukesh Solanki
Mukesh Solanki

What to choose Realm or SQLite with Room?

In this article Mukesh Solanki talks about how to make the decision about picking the right database for your app.

Mukesh Solanki
Mukesh Solanki