Hashtagger is an AI based hashtag generator. It uses machine learning to generate hashtags for images. It lets users generate hashtags for images and also allows users to generate hashtags based on a keyword. It also displays trending hashtags and top hashtags trending in a particular location. It is written in Kotlin. Being a personal project, I have worked on all aspects of the app.
- Designing the app
- Writing the app
- Writing the backend APIs for the app
- Writing the tests
- Writing the documentation
- Publishing the app
- Maintaining the app
- Writing the PRD and the SRS for the app
Technologies used:
- Firebase - For Pushnotifications and Crashreporting
- Google Cloud Platform - For working with Google services and GIS login
- MVVM - For clean architecture and separation of concerns
- Multi-module architecture - To build individual modules for each feature and to reduce the size of the app and to make it more scalable
- Dagger Hilt - For dependency injection
- Retrofit - For networking
- Room - For local database
- Coil - For image loading
- Jetpack Compose - For UI
- Lottie - For animations
- Navigation Component - For navigation
- Kotlin - For development
- Coroutines, Flow, Channels - For asynchronous programming
- JUnit - For unit testing
- Mockk - For mocking